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Keystone XL

Visit our website at KeystoneXL.com for all the latest updates and information.

South Bow

TC能源公司战略性地将我们的液体管道业务剥离为一个独立的公司, investment-grade, publicly listed company. 在South Bow公司查找有关液体业务的未来信息.

Visit southbow.com

TC能源公司确认终止Keystone XL管道项目

On June 9, 2021, TC能源在对其选择进行全面评估后证实, and in consultation with its partner, the Government of Alberta, 终止了Keystone XL管道项目(以下简称“项目”).

我们重视通过开发这个项目和我们所获得的经验所建立的牢固关系. 我们仍然感谢支持该项目并将分享其利益的许多组织, including our partners, the Government of Alberta and Natural Law Energy, our customers, pipeline building trade unions, local communities, Indigenous groups, elected officials, landowners, the Government of Canada, contractors and suppliers, industry associations and our employees.

Read the full news release.

Ways to reach us

We’re here to answer your questions. For general questions, you can contact us by email, but for a quicker response, please call us directly.

Keystone XL Pipeline

Keystone XL Pipeline (TC Energy)
450 – 1 St. SW
Calgary, Alberta    T2P 5H1

        Toll-Free (North America)

Keystone XL Pipeline (TC Energy)
700 Louisiana St., Suite 700
Houston, Texas 77002


        Toll-Free (North America)

Emergency Response
我们对人民、管道和设施安全的承诺是坚定不移的. 如遇紧急情况,请拨打适当的24小时免费热线:
Canada: 1-888-982-7222
US: 1-866-920-0007
Landowner Helpline
维护我们设施完整性的一个关键组成部分是来自所有利益相关者:土著社区的投入, landowners and governments. 如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请告诉我们.

Head Office
450 – 1 St. SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 5H1



        (Indigenous Relations)

Indigenous Relations
TC Energy welcomes enquiries. Please direct your questions to:
1-866-224-0104 Toll-free (North America)  
Public Affairs
TC Energy welcomes enquiries from the community. Please direct questions to:
1-866-717-7473 Toll-free (North America)  
Media Relations
TC Energy welcomes enquiries from media. Please direct questions to:
1-800-608-7859 Toll-free (North America)
Investor Relations
1-800-361-6522 Toll-free (North America)